Tanja Meyburgh
Professional Title
Family Constellations Facilitator and Trainer, Author and Psychologist
Constellations training
International Constellations Intensives at: ZIST (2003), Bernried (2007), Kogel (2015); Australasia (2019). Family Constellations Africa 2006 & 2008; African Constellations.

Tanja Meyburgh, author of “Reclaiming Ancestors” and founder of African Constellations, is a renowned Family and Systems Constellations trainer and supervisor. She has specialised in the field for 21 years and is a regular contributor to the international conferences and publications. Tanja is known for inclusion of land, embodiment, collective work, and marginalised voices in her systemic work. She provides a creative and experiential learning space that brings a sense of soul and spirit in a psychologically grounded way. Her interest in self-growth, personal & collective ritual and embodiment supports her to hold a broad and deep container for clients’ personal and professional process.

Phone Number
069 543 9482
Lindiwe Mthembu-Salter
Professional Title
Counsellor and Family Constellations Facilitator & Trainer
Constellations training
BA Hons in anthropology and sociology (UWC, SA), Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling (BCPC, UK), Family and
Systemic Constellations facilitator (FC Africa)
Counsellor/family constellations facilitator/trainer


Lindiwe Mthembu-Salter is a Family Constellations facilitator, a counsellor, and a trainer. She integrates Systemic African Constellations work in her counselling work. Initially, her previous training is based on an Integrative Humanistic counselling approach (1990-1994, Bath UK). She also provides various therapeutic approaches like guided change to free our energy resources, mindfulness practices that help influences physical, mental and spiritual states.

She has spent 25 years as a consultant with various NGO/NPOs locally and internationally on psycho-social programmes as well as workshops. Included in her skills repertoire is working with groups of home-based caregivers and diverse women projects where she facilitates self-care programmes that explores ways of dealing with ‘burn-out’ and toxic stress to health wellness. Her work encompasses the richness of African indigenous healing modalities she grew up in and some of them are part of rituals and concepts that are weaved in the website of Family Constellations ancestries of Zulu African indigenous cultural wisdom.

Phone Number
+278253 29728
Jackeline Plank
Professional Title
Clinical psychologist, Family Constellations facilitator
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2005/2006 & 2007/2008

Trained in ecosystemic psychotherapy, with individuals, couples, families and groups, short-term solution focussed work or longer-term resolution-focussed therapies. Contexts of work include private sector, psychiatric and corporate Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP). Particular interest in energetic and vibrational healing and transpersonal and transgenerational work.

Phone Number
021 761 7731
Beulah ( Bubbles) Levinson
Professional Title
Gestalt psychotherapist, Constellations Facilitator.
Constellations training
ZIST 2001, Nowhere Foundation Organisational Training

Private Practice working with individuals, couples and groups.  Running Filtered Mozart music Therapy.  Offering Consultation and Supervision.  Offering telephone and Skype Consultations.

Phone Number
073 162 8965
Gail Wrogemann, GCW Consulting
Professional Title
Industrial and Organisational Psychologist, Coach Supervisor and Constellations Trainer:
Constellations training
South African Institute of Family Constellations 2006, Family Constellations Africa 2007/2008, ISCA 2011, International Organisational Constellations Training Intensive 2012. Further advanced series 2012/2013. Systems Psychodynamic, systems thinking and relationship team training.

Business and systems constellations for change management and organisational development, individual and team coaching, strategic planning, community development. Greater, broader systemic understanding and integration to take any organisation to the next level of performance. Project management and debrief, turnaround strategy, integration – mergers and acquisitions, and coach/consultant supervision and mentoring.

Phone Number
079 508 0807
Dr. Suzan Hojdar
Professional Title
Jungian Analyst (IAAP), Medical Doctor (MBBCH & Functional Medicine) Homeopath (MFHom; CEDH ) Biodanza Didactic Facilitator (International Biocentric Foundation (AFS – 0417))
Constellations training
South African Institute of Family Constellations 2006; Family Constellations Africa 2005/2006, Continual Constellation Education

One-on-one sessions, group work & facilitation in private and corporate sector, including personal coaching, mentoring and supervision. My special interest is working in the Deep Inner Field of the Personal, the Archetypal & the Ancestral Unconscious, Shamanic and Ritual processes to integrate, grow & evolve the Mind-Body-Soul, as well as constellation of Dreams, the Unconscious Inner Landscape and Physical Symptoms.

Phone Number
082 855 1115
Thabile Zondi-Rees
Professional Title
Counselling Psychologist, Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2007/2008

Thabile specialises in relational issues (relationship with self and others) focusing on adults and couples. She also works with children and adolescence with emotional issues, age 8-16 years.  Her skills include developmental work through coaching, family constellations and group analysis offering individual constellations, workshops and group therapy.

Phone Number
Diane Koch
Professional Title
Somatic Coaching, participatory Facilitation and experiential Learning Design
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2007/2008; ISCA International Intensive trainings in Germany 2010 & 2012

Di delights in the activation of Knowing practices, Weaving Interconnectedness and Remembering Belonging in the Web of Life, along with those who came before and those who come after us. Di draws from Systemic Constellations and Somatic approaches, giving attention to the knowing of our hearts, bodies, and intuition. Through noticing levels of awareness and attuning to the creative potential of our multiple intelligences, we are able to refresh our thinking, widen perspectives, untangle stuck narratives and free up life force to engage with possibility and generate wise action.  Di believes in honouring, learning from and alongside indigenous perspectives wherever we live, and has relished studying at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, in Aotearoa New Zealand. She has over 20 years of facilitation, learning design, coaching and mentoring experience within the Development sector, Education, Organisation and Community contexts. Current passions: One-on-one coaching for Navigating Transitions and Community led, Intergenerational, Nature-based Rites of Passage.

Currently based Aotearoa New Zealand

Janet Goldblatt
Professional Title
Life Skills Facilitator/Trainer
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2007/2008

Janet offers individual constellations, group workshops, training and supervision for facilitators.  Janet has been facilitating Sacred Contract workshops based on the work of Caroline Myss since 2002 as well as family constellations workshops since 2005. She is currently a director of Nowhere-ecl SA offering training to teachers and facilitators in systemic practice and principles.

Phone Number
Leon Rautenbach
Professional Title
Supervision, Systemic Coach, Executive Coach, Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
Family Constellation Africa 2008/2009, Family Healing Circle 2008, ISCA 2009
  • Supporting New Graduates with Transitional Supervision
  • Theory / Practice Integration
  • Executive and Business Coaching
  • Organizational Consultant
  • Online and in person one on one constellations,
  • Organizational constellations.


  • Senior manager in Media Networks
  • Extensive international practical business experience in television production
  • Specialising as a Human Systems Consultant


Leon has a BA (Honours) Anthropology (University of Pretoria), B.Theology (University of Stellenbosch), a Licentiate In Theology from US and a Managerial Advancement Business Programme qualification from WBS. He is certified as a Meta Coach and a qualified Systemic and Family Constellations Facilitator.

 Networks and Interests

  • Board member of SCASA
  • Continued study in Self-Inquiry, Integral Theory, Family Constellations,

Business Constellations , Advaita-Vedanta and A Course in Miracles

Phone Number
Karin Huyssen
Professional Title
Clinical Psychologist, Family Constellations Facilitator, Supervisor and Trainer (on request), Somatic Experienceing Practitioner (R)
Constellations training
South African Institute for Family Constellations (2004), FCA 2005/2006 & 2007/2008, ISCA 2011, on-going training

Working with Inner Parts; Trauma. Individual constellellations, supervision for current trainees and facilitators, closed constellation groups (only on request, when enough people are interested)

Her work is informed by psychodynamic and systemic psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing(R) and Ego State Therapy.
Karin has a special interest in working with women on the autism spectrum, using constellations

Phone Number
083 3061613
Meryl Smuts
Professional Title
Educational Psychologist, Family Constellations facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations 2011/2013

Facilitating family constellations with groups and individuals, specializing in career development, trauma counselling and relationship issues, focussing on life-long development.   Holistic in approach, making use of various other techniques such as sand tray work, play therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Phone Number
Burgert van Jaarsveldt
Professional Title
Psychotherapist and Corporate Consultant
Constellations training
African Constellations 2011 - 2013

Burgert offers systemic constellations as part of individual therapy and group processes, as well as for corporate growth and development.  With a Masters degree in Industrial/Organisational Psychology, an additional B.Soc.Sc degree and with 20 years corporate leadership experience, combined with his training and experience as a Psychotherapist, he guides his clients with richness and passion to become the best versions of themselves as individuals, teams or organisations.

Hamilton, Bermuda

Phone Number
+1 (441) 703-8618
Tanja Meyburgh (Trainer)
Professional Title
Family Constellations Facilitator and Trainer, Author and Psychologist
Constellations training
International Constellations Intensives at: ZIST (2003), Bernried (2007), Kogel (2015); Australasia (2019). Family Constellations Africa 2006 & 2008; African Constellations.

Tanja Meyburgh, author of “Reclaiming Ancestors” and founder of African Constellations, is a renowned Family and Systems Constellations trainer and supervisor. She has specialised in the field for 21 years and is a regular contributor to the international conferences and publications. Tanja is known for inclusion of land, embodiment, collective work, and marginalised voices in her systemic work. She provides a creative and experiential learning space that brings a sense of soul and spirit in a psychologically grounded way. Her interest in self-growth, personal & collective ritual and embodiment supports her to hold a broad and deep container for clients’ personal and professional process.


Phone Number
069 543 9482
Send a Message
Karin Huyssen (Trainer)
Professional Title
Clinical Psychologist; Family Constellations Facilitator, Trainer & Supervisor
Constellations training
South African Institute for Family Constellations (2004), FCA 2005/2006 & 2007/2008, ISCA 2011, on-going training with local and international trainers

Karin does not currently offer any Foundation Training. Advanced modules only on invitation - specialising in Inner Parts,  Trauma, and Individual Constellations, Neurodiversity and Constellations
She offers supervision for trainees and facilitators.

Phone Number
083 3061613
Gail Wrogemann, GCW Consulting (Trainer)
Professional Title
Industrial & Organisational Psychologist, Coach Supervisor and Constellations Trainer
Constellations training
South African Institute of Family Constellations 2006, Family Constellations Africa 2007/2008, ISCA 2011, International Organisational Constellations Training Intensive 2012. Further advanced series 2012/2013. Systems Psychodynamic, systems thinking and relationship team training.

Gail Wrogemann has been working in this specialised field for over 12 years. This field has integrated well with a background in change management and organisational development and now strategic systems consulting. She runs the Foundation training through to the Advanced level including international master trainers, taking people through to the level of facilitator. The Foundation training is a deep personal learning journey – experientially integrated and theoretically based – creating a sound framework for personal work, and business development and skills. The systems training covers aspects of coaching, consulting and constellations facilitation work.

Phone Number
079 508 0807
Rasada Goldblatt
Professional Title
Systemic and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2006

Building on thirty years of meditation practice and fifteen years in the Systems field, Rasada has rounded his skills by training in Somatic Experiencing, including advanced modules with Peter Levine, the founder of this method of Trauma Healing.

Phone Number
Send a Message
Sonja Simak
Professional Title
Systemic Constellations Trainer and Facilitator, Master Transformation Life Coach.
Constellations training
South African Institute for Family Constellations (2004), FCA 2005/2006 and on-going training with local and international trainers

Sonja Simak, as a trained Integral Traumatologist, a Certified Master Life & Transformation Coach, and registered Natural Health Practitioner specialises in unique and highly effective trauma interventions and stress management which allow for connection back to life and greater purpose.
With this background, Sonja offers individual constellations, regular workshops and also started training in 2015 to bring greater awareness and experience of this soul work; developing facilitators to add to their own field of expertise. Working within a grounding theoretical framework, the experiential process creates a solid foundation for the development of this work.

Phone Number
Anja Gerbers
Professional Title
Institutional Counsellor and Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
• CISA Constellations Institute of South Africa
African Constellations 2013 & 2015

Anja ,together with her partner Harold Epstein is the Co-founder of Healing Waters, Centre for natural healing, personal growth and holistic education in Cape Town. She specializes in one-on-one counselling sessions integrating family systemic constellations to open and deepen the personal growth and healing process of her clients.

Phone Number
Undine Whande
Professional Title
Systemic Coach and Constellations Facilitator; Social Anthropologist (PhD, UCT); Certified Mediator (Centre for Conflict Resolution), Kundalini Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance 2011)
Constellations training
INEKO Cologne 2006-2008 (organisational coaching and constellations work, systemic constellations work)
African Constellations 2013-14 (family constellations)
Various intl. trainers – Stephan Hausner, Francesca Mason-Borig, Marianne Franke-Gritsch, Sarah Peyton, Ria Verlinden 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021,2022
African Constellations Intensives/Immersions 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023 (guest teacher)
ISCA 2022, ISCA co-presenter 2023

Undine Whande has practised systemic coaching and systems constellations work in her private practice since 2006. She has been part of teams fostering peace, truth, and justice on the African continent since her work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Healing of Memories (HOM) in South Africa.

Undine works with individuals, groups, and organisations. She has found that - as an individual - working on ‘my inner plane’ in relation to how I perceive ‘my outer context’ can enable a truly generative way of living. She walks alongside leaders, teams, and organisations in their quest for transformation. Undine’s work always has a dimension of bringing together the individual work with larger questions in the collective.

Undine offers one-on-one sessions and group workshops; she also trains family constellations facilitators certified under SCASA. She loves to dance and is also a Kundalini yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance 2011). She brings her various teaching lineages together in her work.

Phone Number
073 572 9868
Sonja Simak (Trainer)
Professional Title
Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Master Transformation Life Coach
Constellations training
South African Institute for Family Constellations (2004), FCA 2005/2006 and on-going training with local and international trainers

Sonja Simak, as a trained Integral Traumatologist, a Certified Master Life & Transformation Coach, and registered Natural Health Practitioner specialises in unique and highly effective trauma intervention and stress managment which allow for connection back to life and greater purpose.
With this background Sonja offers individual constellations, regular workshops and also started training in 2015 to bring greater awareness and experience of this soul work; developing facilitators to add to their own field of expertise. Working within a grounding theoretical framework, the experiential process creates a solid foundation for the development of this work.

Phone Number
Emma Williams
Professional Title
Integrated Health Practitioner
Constellations training
2015/2016 a African Constellations Tanja Meyburgh
2013 - Shamanic Constellations Richard Higgens

Emma’s professional and diverse journey includes being a Pilates Instructor, a BodyTalk Practitioner, Muscle Activation, Tre (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises), Systemic Family Constellation, Fascia Release Therapy, Gestalt Counselling skills and QEC (Quantum Energy Coaching).

Emma  was introduced to Family Constellation Therapy as part of sessions with her psychologist, and was amazed how much of her Grandparents’ and parents’ life experiences she was entangled with, and how they were influencing her life. Becoming aware of these patterns and working through a healing process allowed Emma to move forward in her life , releasing the stuckness and disassociation.

Just as we inherit physical traits from our parents, we also inherit emotional patterns that are unconscious and unspoken. Unaware of their influences upon us, we perpetuate family patterns of illness and disease, failure, unhappiness, addictions and alcoholism, depression etc. and pass them on to our children and generations thereafter.

Emma is body based in her work and draws on her diverse knowledge and experience to provide and facilitate a holistic experience for the client.

Phone Number
Anya Mendel
Professional Title
Clinical Psychologist, Focusing-Orientated Therapist, Fine Artist, Systems Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations 2015-2016

My focus is on Women's Group Processes centering on Family, Inner Parts, Collective and Ritual Constellations. These 6-month, closed groups offer avenues to reconnect with our own aliveness, explore our relationship with life (what we receive from, and what we give in service to life), and ultimately to experience the mysteries of our inter-connection with the living world. Working across individual, collective and ecological landscapes, I weave in creativity, inner bodily sensing, deep nature connection and ritual work.

I also offer individual and couple constellations, and am exploring an integration of sand play and constellation work.

Phone Number
082 355 9242
Cathy Geils
Professional Title
Clinical Psychologist
Constellations training
African Constellations 2014

My name is Cathy. I’m a clinical psychologist in private practice. I qualified in clinical psychology in 2004; and have been applying constellations work in my practice since 2014 in the form of brief-term interventions or as part of the longer term psychotherapy process.

In the session, facilitated by me, we work together to engage our intuition to understand the information in the field. We follow this information which guides us to its resolution. These individual sessions last between 1 and 2 hours.

I have a PhD in the field of constellations work, transpersonal psychology and consciousness transformation. This research sought to understand the transformational processes in constellations work. I apply this understanding in my work - that of stepping out of repeating trauma patterns (both personal and ancestral) and moving from ego to living and co-creating with Life from the heart.

I continue to have a special interest in how constellations work can serve the greater good of humanity and the earth.

Phone Number
Monika G. von Wietersheim (Trainer)
Professional Title
Systemic Family & Organisational Constellations Facilitator and Trainer
Constellations training
International Bert Hellinger Association in ZIST, Germany, and Organizational training: Talent Manager & Systemic Management, Bilbao Spain

My speciality is to work with Descendants of Immigrants

Namibian born, I feel my roots in Europe and my heart is beating the African drum. As a descendant of immigrants, I know of the challenges which come along with relocating to another continent. The systemic approach has made me aware of the opportunities which lie in this constellation of being a child of immigrants within a foreign community.

For online constellation appointments, please feel free to contact me. And if you want to receive my regular mails, please subscribe by sending your email request.

Cities: Namibia, South Africa  and Europe upon invitation by colleagues, and online

Affiliations: ISCA (International Systemic Constellations Association) DGfS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemaufstellungen) SCA SA (Systemic Constellations Association of South Africa) and infosyon e.V. (Germany)

Phone Number
+264 (0)81 242 1596
Dr Heather Lockyear
Professional Title
Homeopath, Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations 2015/2016/2017

Homeopathy. Healing and understanding illness from a systemic perspective.

Phone Number
084 738 8881
Sue Davidoff
Professional Title
Reflective Social Practitioner facilitator and consultant
Constellations training
Constellations Institute of South Africa (CISA) 2011/2012 and African Constellations 2012-2016

I am interested in the ways in which our relationship with Nature can be enhanced through constellations work, the relationship between constellations and wilderness, and the practical deepening of the phenomenology of constellations work.

Phone Number
Titilayo Seriki
Professional Title
Organisational Consultant & Personal Development Coach (Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. / Dr.rer.pol.)
Constellations training
African Constellations (2015 - 2016)

My work concentrates on identifying what is needed to increase the effectiveness and contentedness of people at work... and in all areas of life. Transactional Analysis and Systemic Constellations are important modalities contributing to my own development and my work with clients. I work one-on-one and in groups, in various spaces - from offices to horse paddocks.

Phone Number
+27 78 547 1105
Erik Andersen
Professional Title
Family and Inner-Parts Constellations Facilitator, Meditation Instructor
Constellations training
Karin Huyssen

Erik Andersen has facilitated workshops in Family and Inner-Parts Constellations since 2015. He also facilitates on-going meditation,  Kabbalah and Kriya Yoga circles. Erik has been in a wheelchair for most of his adult life and is passionate about guiding others in the methods that have helped him.

Erik does one-on-one sessions with individuals as well as with groups in Arcadia, Pretoria.

Phone Number
Sue Retallack
Professional Title
Family and Organisational Systems Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
Systems Constellations Association of South Africa - Karin Huyssen/ Gail Wrogemann 2017
ECL 2014

Sue Retallack offers one-on-one counselling and group family constellation workshops in Bedfordview, exploring a wide range of issues including difficulties within your family systems, couples relationships challenges, work related issues or abstract themes / patterns that are unhelpful in your life. Sue combines various methods of counselling by using the bodies somatic intelligence, visualisation and place markers.

Phone Number
083 320 6918
Jessica Gird
Professional Title
Neuro Linguistic Programming, Business and Family Constellations Practitioner
Constellations training
African Constellations

Special interests include relationship to the self, nature and overcoming anxiety.

Howick (20min from PMB)

Phone Number
082 802 0005
Paula Kingwill
Professional Title
Constellations training
African Constellations

Paula is a dramatherapist and cattle farmer.  She integrates family constellations into her dramatherapy practise.  She works long term and short term with groups, organsations and in individual therapy. She runs workshops on her farm in the Eastern Cape near Nieu Bethesda and also travels to consult. Paula works online with both individuals and groups.

Phone Number
073 1692716
Suzie Basset
Professional Title
Kinesiologist. Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations. 2015/2016

After qualifying as a physiotherapist in 1992, Suzie has explored more holistic methods of healing the body and heart/mind including kinesiology, (2002) meditation, shamanism and Family Constellation Therapy. Suzie combines Kinesiology and Family Constellations, working in the mind’s eye. She offers individual constellations as well as group workshops.

Phone Number
082 4232 172
Jutta Holzapfel
Professional Title
Specialised Kinesiologist; Family & Systemic Constellations Facilitator; End of Life Companion
Constellations training
Shamanic Family Constellations 2016 - Gui Barcellos and Claudia Vassão, African Constellations 2017/2018 - Tanja Meyburgh
With over 15 years experience working as a facilitator in private practice, I offer a space for self inquiry, honesty, recuperation, transition, authenticity and delight in being alive.
Trained in Specialised Kinesiology; Ceremony; Systemic/Family Constellations; End of Life Care and Trauma Work as well as navigating Transitional Spaces. I facilitate both individual and group constellations.
I am interested in inner dynamics, outer energetics and how they correlate. An awareness of transgenerational wounding and collective trauma keeps me curious to learn and explore.
In my personal life, I draw inspiration and insight from Nature. I revere the living world, honor the ancestral and unseen worlds and respect the belief systems of others. I am comfortable in the territory of mystery.

In our work together, I aim to balance body, mind, heart and essence towards the integration and unfolding of all your elements. Knowing that we can live in good relation with ourselves, each other, the Earth and the Sacred – permeates my being and work.

Phone Number
+27 79 398 3251
Undine Whande (Trainer)
Professional Title
Systemic Coach and Constellations Facilitator; Social Anthropologist (PhD, UCT); Certified Mediator (Centre for Conflict Resolution), Kundalini Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance 2011)
Constellations training
INEKO Cologne 2006-2008 (organisational coaching and constellations work, systemic constellations work)
African Constellations 2013-14 (family constellations)
Various intl. trainers – Stephan Hausner, Francesca Mason-Borig, Marianne Franke-Gritsch, Sarah Peyton, Ria Verlinden 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022
African Constellations Intensives/Immersions 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023 (guest teacher)
ISCA 2022, ISCA co-presenter 2023


Undine Whande has worked with systemic coaching and constellations in her coaching practice since 2006. She has been part of teams fostering peace and justice on the African continent since her work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa since in the mid-1990s. From here, her focus went to supporting frontline human rights and peace activists, especially around healing from burn-out. From 2010 she increasingly focused on working with leaders on the development of the inner plane, in service of new formations of generative leadership practice.

From 2011 her work also turned to integrating yogic wisdom through body-based constellations. Rooting back in her time with the TRC, another stream of her work is focused on questions of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in organisations, and in schools)

As a constellations trainer Undine is offering training workshops and supervision for groups and individuals. She was also part of the pioneering training team that hosted the first Family Constellations Training in Zimbabwe 2019-2022 and is currently training a group in Cape Town. 


Phone Number
+27 73 572 9868
Robyn Fergus
Professional Title
Family & Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Intuitive Energy Healer
Constellations training
Shamanic Family Constellations 2016-2018, Francesca Mason Boring 2017, African Constellations 2018-2019, Quantum Constellations 2019, Pia Storm Kalhof - Movement of Spirit/Mind Constellations combined with Art Therapy 2020-2021.
African Constellation Experience 2018, Australian Constellation Intensive & Sarah Peyton 2019
The foundation of Robyn’s Constellation work is built on her healing practice which she opened in 2010. Her focus is to facilitate healing by removing the sense of stuckness or lack of flow - be it physically or emotionally. Thus returning movement and inner peace into one’s life.
Robyn offers monthly Group Constellations and Shamanic Constellation Journeys (3 group sessions with a focused theme), which combine her love for Shamanism with constellations. Flowing on from that are Nature Constellations.
She offers individual sessions, combining constellation work with Crystal Surgery should a client requires additional support.  Group and individual sessions are offered online and in person.
Phone Number
083 309 6092
Kinga Orsolya Szilagyi
Professional Title
Family and Inner Child Constellation, Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner
Constellations training
Sonja Simak, Healing Point, 2017/2018

Welcome to Inner Luminescence, where peace, healing, and unlocking your true potential are my specialties. In this chaotic and fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. That's why I created this practice - to support individuals like you on your journey to finding inner peace and restoring balance.

What sets Inner Luminescence apart is the personalized approach I take with each client. Every session is tailored specifically to your unique needs and desires. Drawing from a diverse arsenal of techniques, I seamlessly integrate practices such as Family and Systemic Constellations, Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Behaviour, Life and Business Coaching, Counseling, Art Therapy, Laughter Therapy, Transpersonal Numerology, and Intuitive Healing.

Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions, group therapy, or need corporate facilitation, Inner Luminescence has got you covered. Our ultimate goal is to foster self-growth and empower you to reach your utmost potential.

Education is a cornerstone of my life's work. That's why I'm proud to be a part of the creating team behind the transformative Younique Yet Connected Workshop-Podcasts (www.youniqueyetconnected.com), as well as volunteering at the ecl Foundation, an organization dedicated to enhancing children's learning experiences.

Don't let life's challenges dim your light. Harness your inner luminescence with us and unlock the true power that lies within you. Contact Inner Luminescence today and let's embark on this transformative journey together

Phone Number
Paul Michael Hollesen
Professional Title
Consultant and Facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations 2018 - 2020
Coaching Constellations, United Kingdom - Systemic Coaching and Constellations Foundation Course 2019

Paul is passionate about personal and collective healing and development, leadership, organisational effectiveness, and sustainability issues. He engages in a mix of corporate and NGO consulting and facilitation work incorporating family and organisational constellations in a wide range of environments with individuals and groups spanning diverse cultures and organisations.

Phone Number
+27 655011752 & +263 777 627 391
Nicky Slow
Professional Title
Transformation Coach, Registered Dietician
Constellations training
Healing Point – Sonja Simak

Nicky specialises in bringing subconscious patterns, system dynamics and family entanglements into the light for healing and integration, thereby enabling clients to release whatever is preventing them from embracing the fullness of life and their true potential. As a dietician, Nicky has a focus on healing ‘dis-ease’ patterns, opening possibilities for clients to embrace health and wellness on all levels of being. She facilitates monthly workshops and individual constellations.


Phone Number
082 567 1199
Angela Hough
Professional Title
Registered Educational Psychologist (HPCSA) Family Constellations Facilitator.
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2017/2018

Angela Hough, HPCSA registered educational psychologist, since 2002. Trained in family constellations through African constellations in 2018. Angela has taught psychology as a lecturer in tertiary education at UKZN and SACAP for 19 years, teaching in areas of child and adult development, diversity, crisis and trauma, and psychotherapeutic methodology. She is trained in group analysis and art process psychotherapy. She currently runs a private practice and works in an addiction clinic, and facilitates training modules.

Phone Number
Regina Rüther
Professional Title
Naturopath for Psychotherapy | Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2018-2020
Various international trainers: Stephan Hausner, Bertold Ulsamer, Guni Baxa, Daan Von Kampenhout,
Siegelinde Schneider and more.
African Constellations Intensive Zimbabwe 2021

Regina, a naturopath specialising in psychotherapy, incorporates constellation work and systemic therapy in both individual and group settings.

She is passionate about uncovering the systemic and behavioural patterns that disrupt balanced and mindful living, often resulting in disharmony, imbalances, and even disease.

Phone Number
+49 - 170 277 9721
Matthias Schaffner
Professional Title
Integral+ business and life coach
Constellations training
African Constellations Tanja Meyburgh 2020

Sometimes we are stuck in our own system. I can offer this supporting technique when a client is not able to verbalise, access or picture a personal situation. It is a wonderful tool to explore the world of the client through an observer. It gives the opportunity to engage with feeling, action, comments and views. Part of my coaching framework is to combine the consolation work and coaching.

Phone Number
+41 78 228 99 74
Jean Mathews Wildervanck
Professional Title
Constellations facilitator (Family, Land and Organizational), Director of the Open Learning Community, Nelson Mandela Bay
Constellations training
International Intensive Portugal: Master Classes 2024, African Constellations 2019, F Mason-Boring & T Meyburgh 2017, ISCA 2014, Stephan Hausner 2016 & 2013, Dr Jane Peterson, 2009.

Helping people expand their vantage point on relationships so as to encourage new narratives, bringing more grace, possibility and understanding to their relationships.
Having lectured for many years at a Business School, Jean incorporates constellations into team buildings and events where communities seek to resolve the stuckness that hinders their forward movement.
Family Constellations are generally linked to Open Learning Community events and training themes, including health related issues. She works in a safe, respectful group setting that honours client confidentiality. She holds a MA(SS)(Mental Health) and is also a member of the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA).


Phone Number
073 272 0042
Vasintha Pather
Professional Title
Psychotherapist (AT 0001422); Systemic Leadership and Organisational Development Coach
Constellations training
African Constellations (Tanya Meyburgh)

Vasintha offers individual and group systemic constellations, specialising in archetypal story, trauma integration and strengths restoration.   She is a registered Art Therapist (Drama) and a practitioner of Integral Somatic Psychology® and Psychodrama.

A leadership and organisational development specialist, she uses systemic constellations in addressing organisational trauma and strengthening healthy cultures.

Phone Number
+27 73 294 1571
Monika von Wietersheim
Professional Title
Change Consultant and Trainer
Constellations training
International Bert Hellinger Association in ZIST, Germany, and Organizational training: Talent Manager & Systemic Management, Bilbao Spain

As ChangeConsultant, I am spending much time with Descendants of Immigrants.
Namibian born, I feel my roots in Europe and my heart is beating the African drum. As a descendant of immigrants, I know of the challenges that come along with relocating to another continent. The systemic approach has made me aware of the opportunities that lie in this constellation of being a child of immigrants within a foreign community.
For online constellation appointments, please feel free to contact me. And if you want to receive my regular mails, kindly subscribe by sending your email request.
Cities: Namibia, South Africa, and Europe upon invitation by colleagues, and online

Phone Number
+264 (0)81 242 1596
Antonella Bargione
Professional Title
Systemic Family Constellation Facilitator, Holistic Practitioner & Conscious Leadership Coach
Constellations training
Zimbabwe Constellations 2019-2022, with Undine Whande & Lawrence Ngorora. Real Academy, with Tanja Meyburg & Sian Palmer 2019. International Systemic Constellation Conference 2022.

Antonella, has more than 25-year-experience in the field of complementary healing and art. She created the heART Space where she uses her tailor-made healing tools and artistic expression to help you let go of emotional baggage, finding peace, clarity and grounding. Major areas in her practice are the release of grief, loss, attachment to anger and anxiety, recurrent patterns and life transitions. Antonella empowers women in making peace with their bodies, their weight and their perceived image. Working with her enhances one’s capacity for health, wellness, leadership and teaming. Her paintings transform the energy of spaces and people.

- Family Constellation
- Nature Constellation
- Community Constellation

In Zimbabwe (Harare), Italy and Online

In English and Italian

Phone Number
+263 776 023013 – also WhatsApp
Jacqueline Cahi Wild
Professional Title
Systems Practice Facilitator and Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
Zimbabwe Constellations Training with Dr Undine Whande and Lawrence Ngorora 2019-2022, Real Academy with Tanya Meyburgh and Sian Palmer 2019

Jackie's life and work experience have contributed to her gentle and grounded guidance to individuals. Her work is relational, helping people uncover what's at the heart of their issues, facilitating individuals and groups to surface their own pathways to health, healing and wholeness.

Jackie offers Family Constellations and Community Constellation's in Zimbabwe and Online.

Phone Number
Marc Leistner
Professional Title
Integral Practitioner Coach & Family Constellations Facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations 2019 - 2022

Marc is a German South African who likes to explore the impact of multiple cultural influences on our being. Having worked in the corporate field in Africa and internationally for more than 30 years, he is interested in how more humanity can be brought back into our daily lives. He is particularly interested in the impact of patriarchy and of stereotyping, and in how men can reclaim a heart-based approach for their own healing and that of others in their space.

Focusing on:

-  Family Constellations

- Inner Parts Constellations

Phone Number
+27-82-307-4137 / +352-691-287-260
Sonya Welch-Moring
Professional Title
Systemic Constellations Family and Community Trainer
Constellations training
PG Dip Systemic Practice 2000 ,Core Constellations 2011-12, Centre for Systemic Constellations 2014-17, Advanced learning Intensive Stephan Hausner 2017, African Constellations Intensive 2019 Trauma Constellations, Systemic Ritual and other learning approaches, past and ongoing.

Sonya Welch-Moring has over 25 years experience as a professional trainer, facilitator and mediator in the UK. She has worked extensively in Local Government and non-profit social care/health departments, as a learning consultant, systemic practitioner and NLP coach. She has been offering systemic constellations workshops, training seminars and learning circles since 2016. She has presented seminars for the Black African and Asian Therapy Network (BAATN ) and ISCA Gathering and is currently developing a Foundation training in Family Constellations for clients in the UK. The training draws on and integrates indigenous and constellations perspectives on individual, family and community life.

Phone Number
07833 900160
Sonya Welch-Moring (Trainer)
Professional Title
Family Constellations Facilitator and Systemic Practitioner
Constellations training
Sonya Welch-Moring has over 25 years experience as a professional trainer, facilitator and mediator in the UK. She has worked extensively in Local Government and non-profit social care/health departments, as a learning consultant, systemic practitioner and NLP coach. She has been offering systemic constellations workshops, training seminars and learning circles since 2016. She has presented seminars for the Black African and Asian Therapy Network (BAATN ) and ISCA Gathering and is currently developing a Foundation training in Family Constellations for clients in the UK. The training draws on and integrates indigenous and constellations perspectives on individual, family and community life.

PG Dip Systemic Practice 2000 ,Core Constellations 2011-12, Centre for Systemic Constellations 2014-17, Advanced learning Intensive Stephan Hausner 2017, African Constellations Intensive 2019 Trauma Constellations, Systemic Ritual and other learning approaches, past and ongoing.

Sonya is a mental health professional, therapeutic coach and family constellations facilitator, with a background in community health and social care. She lives and works between London, UK and Barbados, developing a therapeutic practice with individuals, small family groups and diverse communities. Her expertise is in bridging difference, working with intersectionality and healing the legacy of ancestral trauma in Diaspora communities.

Phone Number
07833 900160
Professional Title
Constellations training
Angela Hough (Trainer)
Professional Title
Registered Educational Psychologist (HPCSA) Family Constellations Facilitator.
Constellations training
Family Constellations Africa 2017/2018

Angela Hough, HPCSA registered educational psychologist, since 2002. Trained in family constellations through African constellations in 2018. Angela has taught psychology as a lecturer in tertiary education at UKZN and SACAP for 19 years, teaching in areas of child and adult development, diversity, crisis and trauma, and psychotherapeutic methodology. She is trained in group analysis and art process psychotherapy. She currently runs a private practice and works in an addiction clinic, and facilitates training modules.

Phone Number
Lindiwe Mthembu-Salter (Trainer)
Professional Title
Counsellor and Family Constellations Facilitator & Trainer
Constellations training
BA Hons in anthropology and sociology (UWC, SA), Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling (BCPC, UK), Family and
Systemic Constellations facilitator (FC Africa)
Counsellor/family constellations facilitator/trainer


Lindiwe Mthembu-Salter is a Family Constellations facilitator, a counsellor, and a trainer. She integrates Systemic African Constellations work in her counselling work. Initially, her previous training is based on an Integrative Humanistic counselling approach (1990-1994, Bath UK). She also provides various therapeutic approaches like guided change to free our energy resources, mindfulness practices that help influences physical, mental and spiritual states.

She has spent 25 years as a consultant with various NGO/NPOs locally and internationally on psycho-social programmes as well as workshops. Included in her skills repertoire is working with groups of home-based caregivers and diverse women projects where she facilitates self-care programmes that explores ways of dealing with ‘burn-out’ and toxic stress to health wellness. Her work encompasses the richness of African indigenous healing modalities she grew up in and some of them are part of rituals and concepts that are weaved in the website of Family Constellations ancestries of Zulu African indigenous cultural wisdom.

Phone Number
278253 29728
Cathy Geils (Trainer)
Professional Title
Clinical Psychologist
Constellations training
African Constellations 2014

My name is Cathy Geils. I have a PhD in the field of constellations work, transpersonal psychology and consciousness transformation. I have been facilitating constellations work since 2014.

My professional training is in clinical psychology. I spent the first 13-14 years of my psychology career in public hospitals and community clinics in South Africa. I was involved in training and supervising primarily intern psychologists, but also psychiatry registrars and teaching psychology to other health practitioners such as medical doctors, occupational therapists and physiotherapists. I published several journal articles and presented at conferences in South Africa and overseas.

Since 2017 I have been in private practice. During this time I completed my PhD, supervised clinical psychology masters students and honed my practice and understanding of constellations work, learning how to integrate it with other therapeutic modalities and techniques.

I will be offering foundation training in constellations work in KZN in 2024. Please contact me for more information.

Phone Number
Nicole Klassen
Professional Title
Constellations Practitioner
Constellations training
African Constellations

I am a healer, storyteller, writer and facilitator. Born into a rich, marginalised cultural heritage I identify as a Camissa African. I work with my ancestors, intuitions, dreams and learned storying techniques to support soul reconnection. Guiding people, organisations and communities to connect to purpose through healing relationship with body, land and heritage.

I practice : Family Constellations,  Organisational Constellations, Community Constellations.

Phone Number
060 312 5843
Celeste Du Toit
Professional Title
Transformational Coach, Holistic Therapist
Constellations training
Systems Constellations of Southern Africa (SCASA) Certified Training Programme 2023/24 (Dr Undine Whande)

Attended African Constellations Immersion 2023

Celeste offers a holistic, grounded and embodied approach focusing on ancestral and archetypal imbalances and misalignments in the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual bodies. Constellation and coaching work are supplemented with Kahuna bodywork work and healing to help release stuck energy.

Works in person and where appropriate/practical, online.

Phone Number
082 741 9578
Karen Verburgh
Professional Title
(Team)Coach & Counsellor; Family & Systems Constellations Facilitator; Kahuna Bodyworker; Human Development Consultant & Facilitator
Constellations training
Systems Constellations of Southern Africa (SCASA) Certified Training Programme 2023-24 (Dr Undine Whande)

Attended African Constellations Immersion 2023

Since 2000 I accompany individuals, teams, and organisations on their journey, providing support to get to and maintain a state of flow. I help find where the energy is stuck and support it to flow again. I am good at perceiving what is beneath the surface and getting to the heart of things.

Phone Number
071 720 2929
Rah Busby
Professional Title
Holistic Sexual Health & Womb Rematriation Practitioner
Constellations training
Systems Constellations of Southern Africa (SCASA) Certified Training Programme 2023/24 (Dr Undine Whande)

Online with Bertold Ulshamer in 2023/2024.

My Life’s Work has been like a Lotus flower rising from the mud of my colonised history to reclaim forgotten indigenous knowledge systems and to come to flower into the soul of my creolised ancestral healing gifts.  

I am Author of “Cutting my Flower” and Founder of Divine Lotus - created to support women’s sexual health and wellbeing. I work in the field of holistic sexual health and decolonial social healing. 

My apprenticeships and trainings include Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Womb Awakening. Mother-mind Teachings and Rematriation processes. Holistic Sexual Health and Water Medicine Initiations. 

I work in Cape Town, South Africa and in Egypt. 

Phone Number
+27 721786179
Petra van den Dragt (Trainer)
Professional Title
Master leadership and change management |Trainer and facilitator systemic work and constellations
Constellations training
The 7th C Coaching and Communication, Antwerp, Belgium (Teacher: Ria Verlinden)
African Constellations School Cape Town, South Africa (Teacher: Tanja Meyburgh)

Creating space so that live can flow is what thrives. My background as an ICU nurse and many leadership roles brought me experience with change processes in personal and professional life. I love to work with Leadership Development & Women Empowerment

My training experience is built in South Africa, Romania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Belgium and Arabic countries.

Phone Number
0031 6 30609346