Paul Michael Hollesen
Professional Title
Consultant and Facilitator
Constellations training
African Constellations 2018 - 2020
Coaching Constellations, United Kingdom - Systemic Coaching and Constellations Foundation Course 2019

Paul is passionate about personal and collective healing and development, leadership, organisational effectiveness, and sustainability issues. He engages in a mix of corporate and NGO consulting and facilitation work incorporating family and organisational constellations in a wide range of environments with individuals and groups spanning diverse cultures and organisations.

Phone Number
+27 655011752 & +263 777 627 391
Antonella Bargione
Professional Title
Systemic Family Constellation Facilitator, Holistic Practitioner & Conscious Leadership Coach
Constellations training
Zimbabwe Constellations 2019-2022, with Undine Whande & Lawrence Ngorora. Real Academy, with Tanja Meyburg & Sian Palmer 2019. International Systemic Constellation Conference 2022.

Antonella, has more than 25-year-experience in the field of complementary healing and art. She created the heART Space where she uses her tailor-made healing tools and artistic expression to help you let go of emotional baggage, finding peace, clarity and grounding. Major areas in her practice are the release of grief, loss, attachment to anger and anxiety, recurrent patterns and life transitions. Antonella empowers women in making peace with their bodies, their weight and their perceived image. Working with her enhances one’s capacity for health, wellness, leadership and teaming. Her paintings transform the energy of spaces and people.

- Family Constellation
- Nature Constellation
- Community Constellation

In Zimbabwe (Harare), Italy and Online

In English and Italian

Phone Number
+263 776 023013 – also WhatsApp