Tanja Meyburgh, author of “Reclaiming Ancestors” and founder of African Constellations, is a renowned Family and Systems Constellations trainer and supervisor. She has specialised in the field for 21 years and is a regular contributor to the international conferences and publications. Tanja is known for inclusion of land, embodiment, collective work, and marginalised voices in her systemic work. She provides a creative and experiential learning space that brings a sense of soul and spirit in a psychologically grounded way. Her interest in self-growth, personal & collective ritual and embodiment supports her to hold a broad and deep container for clients’ personal and professional process.
Systemic Constellations facilitator (FC Africa)
Counsellor/family constellations facilitator/trainer
Lindiwe Mthembu-Salter is a Family Constellations facilitator, a counsellor, and a trainer. She integrates Systemic African Constellations work in her counselling work. Initially, her previous training is based on an Integrative Humanistic counselling approach (1990-1994, Bath UK). She also provides various therapeutic approaches like guided change to free our energy resources, mindfulness practices that help influences physical, mental and spiritual states.
She has spent 25 years as a consultant with various NGO/NPOs locally and internationally on psycho-social programmes as well as workshops. Included in her skills repertoire is working with groups of home-based caregivers and diverse women projects where she facilitates self-care programmes that explores ways of dealing with ‘burn-out’ and toxic stress to health wellness. Her work encompasses the richness of African indigenous healing modalities she grew up in and some of them are part of rituals and concepts that are weaved in the website of Family Constellations ancestries of Zulu African indigenous cultural wisdom.
Trained in ecosystemic psychotherapy, with individuals, couples, families and groups, short-term solution focussed work or longer-term resolution-focussed therapies. Contexts of work include private sector, psychiatric and corporate Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP). Particular interest in energetic and vibrational healing and transpersonal and transgenerational work.
Private Practice working with individuals, couples and groups. Running Filtered Mozart music Therapy. Offering Consultation and Supervision. Offering telephone and Skype Consultations.
Thabile specialises in relational issues (relationship with self and others) focusing on adults and couples. She also works with children and adolescence with emotional issues, age 8-16 years. Her skills include developmental work through coaching, family constellations and group analysis offering individual constellations, workshops and group therapy.
- Supporting New Graduates with Transitional Supervision
- Theory / Practice Integration
- Executive and Business Coaching
- Organizational Consultant
- Online and in person one on one constellations,
- Organizational constellations.
- Senior manager in Media Networks
- Extensive international practical business experience in television production
- Specialising as a Human Systems Consultant
Leon has a BA (Honours) Anthropology (University of Pretoria), B.Theology (University of Stellenbosch), a Licentiate In Theology from US and a Managerial Advancement Business Programme qualification from WBS. He is certified as a Meta Coach and a qualified Systemic and Family Constellations Facilitator.
Networks and Interests
- Board member of SCASA
- Continued study in Self-Inquiry, Integral Theory, Family Constellations,
Business Constellations , Advaita-Vedanta and A Course in Miracles
Working with Inner Parts; Trauma. Individual constellellations, supervision for current trainees and facilitators, closed constellation groups (only on request, when enough people are interested)
Her work is informed by psychodynamic and systemic psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing(R) and Ego State Therapy.
Karin has a special interest in working with women on the autism spectrum, using constellations
Facilitating family constellations with groups and individuals, specializing in career development, trauma counselling and relationship issues, focussing on life-long development. Holistic in approach, making use of various other techniques such as sand tray work, play therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
Burgert offers systemic constellations as part of individual therapy and group processes, as well as for corporate growth and development. With a Masters degree in Industrial/Organisational Psychology, an additional B.Soc.Sc degree and with 20 years corporate leadership experience, combined with his training and experience as a Psychotherapist, he guides his clients with richness and passion to become the best versions of themselves as individuals, teams or organisations.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Tanja Meyburgh, author of “Reclaiming Ancestors” and founder of African Constellations, is a renowned Family and Systems Constellations trainer and supervisor. She has specialised in the field for 21 years and is a regular contributor to the international conferences and publications. Tanja is known for inclusion of land, embodiment, collective work, and marginalised voices in her systemic work. She provides a creative and experiential learning space that brings a sense of soul and spirit in a psychologically grounded way. Her interest in self-growth, personal & collective ritual and embodiment supports her to hold a broad and deep container for clients’ personal and professional process.
African Constellations 2013 & 2015
Anja ,together with her partner Harold Epstein is the Co-founder of Healing Waters, Centre for natural healing, personal growth and holistic education in Cape Town. She specializes in one-on-one counselling sessions integrating family systemic constellations to open and deepen the personal growth and healing process of her clients.
African Constellations 2013-14 (family constellations)
Various intl. trainers – Stephan Hausner, Francesca Mason-Borig, Marianne Franke-Gritsch, Sarah Peyton, Ria Verlinden 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021,2022
African Constellations Intensives/Immersions 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023 (guest teacher)
ISCA 2022, ISCA co-presenter 2023
Undine Whande has practised systemic coaching and systems constellations work in her private practice since 2006. She has been part of teams fostering peace, truth, and justice on the African continent since her work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Healing of Memories (HOM) in South Africa.
Undine works with individuals, groups, and organisations. She has found that - as an individual - working on ‘my inner plane’ in relation to how I perceive ‘my outer context’ can enable a truly generative way of living. She walks alongside leaders, teams, and organisations in their quest for transformation. Undine’s work always has a dimension of bringing together the individual work with larger questions in the collective.
Undine offers one-on-one sessions and group workshops; she also trains family constellations facilitators certified under SCASA. She loves to dance and is also a Kundalini yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance 2011). She brings her various teaching lineages together in her work.
2013 - Shamanic Constellations Richard Higgens
Emma’s professional and diverse journey includes being a Pilates Instructor, a BodyTalk Practitioner, Muscle Activation, Tre (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises), Systemic Family Constellation, Fascia Release Therapy, Gestalt Counselling skills and QEC (Quantum Energy Coaching).
Emma was introduced to Family Constellation Therapy as part of sessions with her psychologist, and was amazed how much of her Grandparents’ and parents’ life experiences she was entangled with, and how they were influencing her life. Becoming aware of these patterns and working through a healing process allowed Emma to move forward in her life , releasing the stuckness and disassociation.
Just as we inherit physical traits from our parents, we also inherit emotional patterns that are unconscious and unspoken. Unaware of their influences upon us, we perpetuate family patterns of illness and disease, failure, unhappiness, addictions and alcoholism, depression etc. and pass them on to our children and generations thereafter.
Emma is body based in her work and draws on her diverse knowledge and experience to provide and facilitate a holistic experience for the client.
My focus is on Women's Group Processes centering on Family, Inner Parts, Collective and Ritual Constellations. These 6-month, closed groups offer avenues to reconnect with our own aliveness, explore our relationship with life (what we receive from, and what we give in service to life), and ultimately to experience the mysteries of our inter-connection with the living world. Working across individual, collective and ecological landscapes, I weave in creativity, inner bodily sensing, deep nature connection and ritual work.
I also offer individual and couple constellations, and am exploring an integration of sand play and constellation work.
My work concentrates on identifying what is needed to increase the effectiveness and contentedness of people at work... and in all areas of life. Transactional Analysis and Systemic Constellations are important modalities contributing to my own development and my work with clients. I work one-on-one and in groups, in various spaces - from offices to horse paddocks.
After qualifying as a physiotherapist in 1992, Suzie has explored more holistic methods of healing the body and heart/mind including kinesiology, (2002) meditation, shamanism and Family Constellation Therapy. Suzie combines Kinesiology and Family Constellations, working in the mind’s eye. She offers individual constellations as well as group workshops.
In our work together, I aim to balance body, mind, heart and essence towards the integration and unfolding of all your elements. Knowing that we can live in good relation with ourselves, each other, the Earth and the Sacred – permeates my being and work.
African Constellation Experience 2018, Australian Constellation Intensive & Sarah Peyton 2019
Coaching Constellations, United Kingdom - Systemic Coaching and Constellations Foundation Course 2019
Paul is passionate about personal and collective healing and development, leadership, organisational effectiveness, and sustainability issues. He engages in a mix of corporate and NGO consulting and facilitation work incorporating family and organisational constellations in a wide range of environments with individuals and groups spanning diverse cultures and organisations.
Nicky specialises in bringing subconscious patterns, system dynamics and family entanglements into the light for healing and integration, thereby enabling clients to release whatever is preventing them from embracing the fullness of life and their true potential. As a dietician, Nicky has a focus on healing ‘dis-ease’ patterns, opening possibilities for clients to embrace health and wellness on all levels of being. She facilitates monthly workshops and individual constellations.
Angela Hough, HPCSA registered educational psychologist, since 2002. Trained in family constellations through African constellations in 2018. Angela has taught psychology as a lecturer in tertiary education at UKZN and SACAP for 19 years, teaching in areas of child and adult development, diversity, crisis and trauma, and psychotherapeutic methodology. She is trained in group analysis and art process psychotherapy. She currently runs a private practice and works in an addiction clinic, and facilitates training modules.
Online with Bertold Ulshamer in 2023/2024.
My Life’s Work has been like a Lotus flower rising from the mud of my colonised history to reclaim forgotten indigenous knowledge systems and to come to flower into the soul of my creolised ancestral healing gifts.
I am Author of “Cutting my Flower” and Founder of Divine Lotus - created to support women’s sexual health and wellbeing. I work in the field of holistic sexual health and decolonial social healing.
My apprenticeships and trainings include Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Womb Awakening. Mother-mind Teachings and Rematriation processes. Holistic Sexual Health and Water Medicine Initiations.
I work in Cape Town, South Africa and in Egypt.